
If you are just coming to this series of the gas #powerkiln and want to read through the build from the beginning, you can do that here. I’m happy to answer what I can. Anything extremely technical I will do my best to get you the answers you need. Calculations such as the burners and your final design size is best discussed with Ward Burner. All refractory materials are best sourced closest to you. My closest supplier was a 4

By cementing the top edge it provides protection to the soft brick and keeps everything solidly in place from the walls inward. There's a chance these bricks may move around when I do relocate it but I'll probably need to fill the kiln with boxes to keep it from moving around. As mentioned earlier in this series of posts, we could have used hard brick as they are more hardwearing, but the downside to them is their weight, and if

By cementing the top edge it provides protection to the soft brick and keeps everything solidly in place from the walls inward. There's a chance these bricks may move around when I do relocate it but I'll probably need to fill the kiln with boxes to keep it from moving around. As mentioned earlier in this series of posts, we could have used hard brick as they are more hardwearing, but the downside to them is their weight, and if

Security indeed. I've put all my hopes into this fiber blanket though I have seen it in action from my time in Raku and having my mom alongside me. Somehow we were put on "tank" duty with the propane tank and witnesses firsthand just how efficiently it is in keeping all that wonderful heat contained. In that case it was a rudimentary design, something of a wire structure with a handle and blanket inside over a burner similar to what

If I were to listen to my Dad, knowing he'd cringe seeing a picture of himself "online", I'd choose another image without him in it. But it would be like a missing brick to this project and nothing would hold firm if he wasn't a part of it. So whether he likes it or not, he became a part of this and I'll just either hope he never reads this or forgives me for the weakness of an admiring daughter. This has

I'm thrilled to be featured between makers and shakers Naa-Sakle Akuete, Angela Duckworth and Sarah Robb O'Hagan (to name a few) in this April edition of Marie Claire. Shortly after this feature was released this Murky Waters Woven piece was sold. Shown here in situ in the clients home. March 22, 2017 A year ago this week, I decided to take a step back from Graphic Design/Photo Art Direction when I realized New York and the big cities just wasn't "it" for me